Dates milkshake

Milkshakes are a combination of fatty milk, ice cream, and various sweeteners and flavors like fruit sauce, fruit nectar, chocolate sauce, and caramel.
You need only four ingredients to make this delicious dates milkshake recipe. Whole milk, dates, ice cream and walnuts or pistachios. Add ice cream, dates, and pinch of cinnamon to a blender and blend until creamy and smooth. Use Medjool dates for this recipe. Medjool dates have thinner skin and plumper flesh and blend easily. I do not usually add sugar to this milkshake but you can use sugar or honey according to your taste. Garnish with walnuts and Serve immediately.


  • 1 cup whole milk
  • 1 cup vanilla ice cream
  • 6 medjool dates, coarsely chopped
  • 2 tablespoon raw walnuts (optional)

Dates milkshake


Step 1
Wash the dates first to clean them off of any dirt particles and then dry them.
Step 2
Remove their seeds from inside.
Step 3
Blend all ingredients together until smooth.
Step 4
Pour into a glass and drizzle with honey and garnish with walnuts (optional)
